You are here: Photos and Slideshows > Edit Photos

Edit Photos

Use the Edit Photo dialog box - available from the Edit action at the Photos tab during listing Add/Edit - to enhance a listing's photos. You can make a photo darker or brighter; change its contrast; or rotate, re-size, crop, or delete it.

Use navigation arrows to move between photos, and the delete button to delete the photo.



To Change Brightness

To Change Contrast

To Rotate a Photo

To Crop a Photo

To Navigate through Photos

To Delete a Photo


To Change Brightness

To darken the overall photo, click the Darken action at Edit Photo. To continue darkening, repeat the action as needed.

To lighten the overall photo, click the Lighten action at Edit Photo. To continue lightening, repeat the action as needed.

To Change Contrast

To decrease the contrast between the photo's light and dark colors, click the - Contrast action. To continue decreasing contrast, repeat the action as needed.

To increase the contrast between the photo's light and dark colors, click the + Contrast action. To continue increasing contrast, repeat the action as needed.

To Rotate a Photo

To rotate a photo counterclockwise 90°, click the - Rotate action. To continue rotating in the same direction, repeat the action as needed.

To rotate a photo clockwise 90°, click the + Rotate action. To continue rotating in the same direction, repeat the action as needed.

To Crop a Photo

When you upload a listing photo, the system retains its original aspect ratio. However, your photos will be shown in spaces that are rectangular — 1/3 wider than tall. While photos of any shape can be displayed within that space, you can maximize their appearance by ensuring they are the same shape as the space. You may optionally use the Crop tool to fit them to the standard rectangle, with an aspect ratio of 4:3.

If the system determines that a photo's aspect ratio differs significantly from the standard 4:3, an asterisk displays on the photo thumbnail. To crop a photo to standard dimensions, use the Crop action on the Photo Edit dialog box.

The Crop action applies to the photo currently displayed in the Edit Photo dialog box. The action toggles on and off. To enable cropping, click the Crop action. To exit cropping, click Crop again, or click Cancel.

When you enable cropping, the system grays out any portion of the photo that must be removed in order to match standard dimensions. Drag a corner handle in either direction. While you drag, the system constrains the photo to the correct aspect ratio. To complete the crop, click the Apply button. The system removes the grayed out portion and displays the cropped version of the photo.

Review the cropped photo. To permanently save the change and close the Edit Photo dialog box, click Save.

To Navigate Through Photos

To view more photos and move between them, use the Previous and Next actions that display as green arrows.

To Delete a Photo

To delete the photo currently displayed in the Photo Edit dialog box, use the Delete action.

See also...

Manage Photos



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Help for Stratus MLS, v3.18.4 October 22, 2013

Copyright 2013 Stratus Data Systems, Inc.