You are here: Add/Edit Listings > Listing Detail Edit Form

Listing Detail Edit Form

Use the listing detail edit form to enter or edit listing information. The listing's Class determines the fields and section tabs displayed.

Some fields may be auto-filled from a linked public record or a cloned listing.

In this article...

About Drafts

Navigating the Form

Entering Information

Locating a Field

Previewing the Draft

Submitting for Validation

Resetting the Form

Leaving the Draft

About Drafts

The system creates a Draft when you open a new listing detail edit form, and saves it automatically while you work and when you navigate away from Add/Edit. You can return to the Draft in a later work session.

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Navigating the Form

Press the Tab key to move from field to field, or click the mouse at any field.

To move to a different section you can use the scroll bar, click the section tab along the top of the form to jump, or press the Page Up and Page Down keys.

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Entering Information

Fields on the Edit Listing Details Form match the order of input fields in the Listing Contract. Enter a value for each field name on the screen. For example, for listing price, the value might be 550000.

Required Fields

Fields you must enter are marked with a blue asterisk (*).

Responsive Fields

Responsive data fields display based on your entry at another field. For example, if you enter Y at Price Range Listing, the system displays two text boxes, one for the low list price and one for the high list price. If you enter N at Price Range, the system displays one text box for the list price.

Dependent Fields

Dependent fields have dropdown lists with options determined by the data you entered at other fields. For example, if you select a value at Town the system provides only those zipcodes valid for that town.

Blocked Data Entry

The system prevents some inappropriate data entry. For example, you cannot type alphabetic characters in a price text box.

Date Formats

You may use any of the following date formats in a date field:

1/31/2012 or 1/12

1-31-2012 or 1-31-12

1/31 or 1-31 (the system assumes the current year)

T or t (today)

T+1 (tomorrow)

T-1 (yesterday)

T+/-n (today plus or minus n days)

Field Help Links

Fields on Add/Edit data entry forms provide links to data-entry help. Click on a field label to open instructions.

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Locating a Field

To locate a particular field on the form, click the Find action. The Find a Field dialog box opens. Enter all or part of the field label then click Find. When the dialog box closes the listing detail edit form displays at the located field.

To locate the next occurrence of the text, if desired, click the Find action again. At the dialog box, click Find once again.

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Previewing the Draft

To preview the listing as you work, click the Preview action. Draft information displays in the Broker-Full detail form. If you have uploaded one or more photos or attachments, these also display. To print the preview, click the Print icon.

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Submitting for Validation

When you submit a complete and valid draft, the system assigns an ML# to the new listing. If required fields * remain empty, or you have neglected to correct a field flagged in red, the form does not pass validation. A validation summary displays for the Draft. The system flags each erroneous field in red; click the red label for a help pop-up message. Until you correct these fields and re-submit, the system cannot store the listing in the MLS database.

When you successfully submit a valid listing, the Add/Edit Complete dialog box displays with further options. If the listing is new, a newly assigned MLS# displays.

If you have not yet uploaded a photo, you may be prompted for one in lieu of an immediate charge.

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Resetting the Form

To return the listing detail edit form to the state it was in when you opened a Draft or began to add or edit a listing, click the Reset action. The system prompts you to confirm the reset, because all changes made during your current session will be undone.

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Leaving the Draft

The system automatically saves a new listing's Draft periodically while you work. Although it is not necessary, you may use the Save Draft action if you need to leave the work session and want to ensure that your draft is saved.

When you navigate away from Add/Edit, the browser requires a short period of time to finish saving the form before loading the new page. A confirmation prompt displays to confirm your intention to leave Add/Edit. The time it takes for you to enter your confirmation is sufficient for the system to automatically save the Draft.

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Help for Stratus MLS, v3.18.4 October 22, 2013

Copyright 2013 Stratus Data Systems, Inc.