You are here: Send Listings by Email > Send Listings

Send Listings

You can email your customer a link to particular listings with the site action Send. Send is available at List, Details, and Map. The Send action causes the system to email links to listings, allowing recipients to see each one with an optional map. For Available listings at Details, you can also select any or all attachments to include in the email. Listings may be sent in detail view or as list rows.

The emailed link remains active for a period determined by the MLS. Format the message as you like, using the formatting toolbar. See "Formatting Email".

How . . .

To Create the Email Message

To Understand What the Recipient Receives

To Provide Instructions to the Recipient


To Create the Email Message

  1. To open the Send dialog box, click Send at the site action bar.
  2. At the To field, enter one or more email addresses, or click Contacts to select one or more contacts by group or search. Start typing the email address and the system will automatically present you with options.
  3. At the Subject field, change or accept the default subject for the message.
  4. In the Message text area, change or accept the default text.
  5. Edit the message as required. Note: If your browser does not automatically perform a spell check and flag (or correct) spelling errors, click away from the message text area to run the spell check.
  6. If you have saved a signature at Settings, you can select if from the Signature drop down list.
  7. At What do you want to send?, choose Detail Views or List Rows.
  8. At the For dropdown list, select the listings you want to send: Current, All, or Selected.
  9. At the Form dropdown list, select a detail form in which your customer will view the listings.
  10. To send a duplicate message to your MLS email account, select the Send Copy to Yourself checkbox.
  11. To include a map with your email, select the Include Map checkbox.
  12. To include attachments for an Available listing that is currently displayed at Details, at For, select Current Listing, then at Select Attachments to Include select the attachments you want to send.
  13. To send the email with included options, click Send.

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To Understand What the Recipient Receives

When the email recipient opens your message and clicks the provided link, a new window opens with the following options displayed for each listing, when chosen:

Alternatively, when the email recipient opens your message and clicks View Details in Collaborate, the Collaborate window opens, with all Collaborate functions available. Recipients who are not yet registered as Collaborate clients can register by clicking this button.

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To Provide Instructions to the Recipient

Instructions for viewing the properties and replying to the email are provided in the default email message, along with a description of Collaborate with instructions to open the listings in Collaborate format. In the Message text area, change or accept the default text, including further instructions if you like.

If a recipient clicks the option to Unsubscribe you will be notified via email.

Help for recipients is available at the properties of interest page.

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See also . . .

About Prospect Match


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Help for Stratus MLS v3.47.3 December 20, ,2016

Copyright 2016 Stratus Data Systems, Inc.