You are here: Get Started > Settings


Choose Settings on the main menu to customize your Stratus MLS experience. You can manage a Profile, Market Areas for "Today's Listings", the Appearance of the Stratus MLS window, your Password; and default text for "Send Listings".


When you make a change at any Settings tab, the page's Save button becomes available; clicking it saves changes at all Settings tabs. If text at any unsaved Settings tab is invalid, an alert displays when you save. When all Settings have been properly saved, a confirmation displays.

How . . .

To Manage Your Profile

To Manage "My Links" at Info Center

To Manage Your Market Areas and Open House Settings

To Manage the Appearance of Stratus MLS Screens

To Manage Your Stratus MLS Password

To Manage Send Text

To Manage the Collaborate Button in Emails


To Manage Your Profile

  1. At the main menu, click Settings.
  2. Click the Profile tab.
  3. If you share listings with another salesperson whose name should appear next to your own in the headers and footers of listing detail printouts, select a name from the 2nd Salespersondropdown list. To remove the name, click Remove.
  4. Click Save.

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To Manage My Links at Info Centre

For convenient access while working in Stratus MLS, the system allows you to set four personal links at Info Centre. Enter the URL (or IP address) and a display name for each of four web sites to display at the "My Links" section in "About Info Centre""About Info Centre""About Info Centre".

  1. At the main menu, click Settings.
  2. Click the My Links tab.
  3. At the Link 1 URL field, type the first website url in the following format: or type http:// followed by an IP address.
  4. At the Link 1 Web Site Display Name field, type the name of the website as you want it to appear at My Lists in Info Centre.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 for up to four links.
  6. Click on the up or down arrow to the right of the Link to move. Click on the down arrow moves the link down one row. Click on the up arrow moves the link up one row.
  7. Click Save.

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To Manage Your Market Areas

  1. At the main menu, click Settings.
  2. Click the Market Areas tab.
  3. At Market Area 1, enter a name for the market area.
  4. At Class(es), select one or more classes.
  5. At For Sale/Lease, select one or both options.
  6. Select a geographic location: Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Ontario, or at least one Area with optional Municipality and Community. Click again at any option to clear its selection. CTRL+Click to select more than one option from each dropdown list.
  7. To define more market areas, scroll down. Repeat steps 2 through 6 as needed for each.
  8. At Calendar, to cause Open Houses to display as Calendar events, select Show Open Houses in your Market Areas on your Calendar.
  9. Click Save.

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To Manage the Appearance of Stratus MLS Screens

  1. At the main menu, click Settings.
  2. Click the Appearance tab.
  3. At Theme, choose a theme from the dropdown list to change the window's color scheme.
  4. At Column Set for listing search results lists, choose a column set from the dropdown list.
  5. At Display room dimensions in, select "Metres" or "Feet" as you want dimensions to be displayed by default. (Note: If you change the option at View, it has no impact on your default unit of measure.)
  6. At Show Thumbnail Photos at Search Results Lists, select the check box if you want thumbnails to display for each property at List pages; deselect the checkbox to remove thumbnails from List.
  7. At Include icons at listing search results lists, select the check box to include the options listed at search results list.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click OK at "Your settings have been saved."

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To Manage Your Stratus MLS Password

Password requirements display on the Password tab. It may take up to two minutes for the system to change your password after you save Settings. Allow up to forty-eight hours for ancillary websites to accept your new password.

  1. At the main menu, click Settings.
  2. Click the Password tab.
  3. At Current Password, enter your current password.
  4. At New Password, enter a new password that conforms to requirements.
  5. At Confirm New Password, type the new password again; it must match the password entered at step 4.
  6. Click Save.

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To Manage Send Listings Text

Enter text for your own personal default Subject and/or Message. These are used when you send listings from search results. If you leave these fields blank at Settings, the MLS default text is used. You may add up to five signatures and select one as a default. Note: To add or remove the "View Details in Collaborate" button in all listing email messages, see "To Manage the 'Collaborate button' in your emails," below.

  1. At the main menu, click Settings.
  2. Click the Send tab.
  3. At Default Email Subject, clear text as necessary and enter a subject for your Send Listings email.
  4. At Default Email Message, clear text as necessary and enter a message for your Send Listings email. Format the message as needed. See "Formatting Email".
  5. Click Save.

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To Manage Send Prospect Matches Text

Enter text for your own personal default Subject and/or Message. These are used in the automatically generated property match emails. If you leave these fields blank at Settings, the MLS default text is used. You may add up to five signatures and select one as a default. Note: To add or remove the "View Details in Collaborate" button in all listing email messages, see "To Manage the 'Collaborate button' in your emails," below.

  1. At the main menu, click Settings.
  2. Click the Send tab.
  3. Under the option for Send Property Matches at Default Email Subject, clear text as necessary and enter a subject for your Send Listings email.
  4. At Default Email Message, clear text as necessary and enter a message for your Send Listings email. Format the message as needed. See "Formatting Email".
  5. Click Save.

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To Manage Email Signatures

Create up to five unique signatures for use when sending listings and prospect property matches. You may opt to upload a business card to use in place of a signature. Your default will be used at the Send listings window and at the Create and Manage Prospect Match dialogs. To change the default for an individual prospect make the edit under the prospect name.

To Use a Business Card as your Signature

  1. At the main menu, click Settings.
  2. Click the Send tab.
  3. Under the option for Send Email Signatures, click on Choose a Business Card.
  4. Select an image from your computer and double click to upload it. Your file name will display but the image will not show until you click Save at Settings.
  5. Your business card will be set as your default signature.
  6. Click Save.

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To Delete a Business Card as your Signature

  1. At the main menu, click Settings.
  2. Click the Send tab.
  3. At Email Signatures, click Delete Business Card. The image will be removed when you click Save at Settings. Note: Your Email Signature will change to the MLS default if you have no other email signature saved.

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To Add a Signature to your Email

  1. At the main menu, click Settings.
  2. Click the Send tab.
  3. Click Add a Signature.
  4. Enter the name for the Email Signature.
  5. Enter the Email Signature text. Format the text as needed.
  6. If you wish to include your Salesperson Photo, select the option. The photo is provided from your membership record.
  7. If you wish to set this Signature as the default, click Set as Default.
  8. Repeat steps to add up to five total Email Signatures.
  9. Click Save.

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To Delete a Saved Signature

  1. At the main menu, click Settings.
  2. Click the Send tab.
  3. Select the Signature you wish to delete and click on the Delete button.
  4. Click Delete in the dialog.
  5. Click Save.

To Manage the Collaborate button in Emails


When this option is selected, all emailed listings (from Listings and Prospect Searches) contain a button that allows the email recipient to view listing details in Collaborate. Recipients not yet registered for Collaborate can register by clicking this button.

  1. At the main menu, click Settings.
  2. Click the Collaborate tab.
  3. Select the Include the 'View Details in Collaborate' button in all listings email checkbox.
  4. Click Save.

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Help for Stratus MLS v3.47.3 December 20, ,2016

Copyright 2016 Stratus Data Systems, Inc.