You are here: Calendar > Entering Duration Events

Entering Duration Events

A Duration event is one that occurs over a continuous date range. A conference scheduled from November 4 through 7 is a Duration event.

In Day and Event Maintenance views you can add a new event or edit an existing one (see "Add, Edit, And Delete Calendar Events").

Data Entry for a Duration Event



Event Title

Enter a short title for the event. This title displays on the calendar. Additional information can be added at the Event Details field.

Start & End Dates

By default, this field displays the selected date for both starting and ending date. To change the date, choose month, day, and year from the drop-down lists.

Start & End Time and AM/PM

Choose the event's start time and AM or PM from the dropdown lists.

Optionally, choose the event's end time and AM or PM from the dropdown lists.

Skip Weekends

Select this checkbox if the event does not occur on the weekend. (For example, a conference may run Thursday through Tuesday, but with no meetings scheduled on Saturday or Sunday.)


Text: Click black or white for the event title text.

Background: Click a color to display behind the event's title text.

Event Details

Enter notes about the event; OR enter a URL (Web site address) in the format or When you click on the event title in Month view, the Web page displays. In Day view, the URL displays.

Note: Do not enter both event details and a URL.

Open link in new window

This checkbox option is selected by default when you enter a URL at Event Details. When you click on a URL-linked event title, the Web page opens in a new browser window. Close the window to return to Calendar.

You can deselect the checkbox. Note, however, that upon clicking the event title, Calendar is replaced by the linked Web page. To return to Stratus MLS at the Calendar page, click the browser's Back button to restore your session.


Click to add this event to your calendar.


Click to return all fields to their former value.


Available at Edit page only. Click to Delete this event.


Click to clear the fields of entered data and return to the previous page.

See also . . .

Add, Edit, and Delete Calendar Events

Entering Daily Events

Entering Periodic Events


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Help for Stratus MLS v3.47.3 December 20, ,2016

Copyright 2016 Stratus Data Systems, Inc.