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About Calendar

Calendar provides a convenient way to add and track meetings, and appointments. Because it links to your Stratus MLS Contacts, Calendar automatically displays activities entered at Contact records. (See "Work With the Contacts Detail View".)

Add entries for single events (see"Entering Daily Events"), regularly recurring events (see "Entering Periodic Events"), or events that recur over consecutive days (see "Entering Duration Events").

Open Calendar from the main menu. Calendar displays in Month view with a black bar above the current day. Click the event title to see details at Day view.


Switch Calendar views as needed: Month view (see "Working with Month View"), Day view (see "Working with Day View"), and Event Maintenance view (see "Event Maintenance View").

In Calendar you can:

See also . . .

Add, Edit, and Delete Calendar Events

Entering Daily Events

Entering Periodic Events

Entering Duration Events


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