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About Contacts


Use Contacts - from the main menu - to add, manage, print, and look up information about your personal contacts as well asBrokerage and Member Rosters.

Along with a search text box for quick lookup, the action bar at List and Details allows you to upload, add, edit, and delete contacts; manage groups; narrow the list to selected contacts; and switch to Details.

My Contacts

Your contacts are grouped for convenient access in standard and custom groups. You can add to the selection of custom groups, as needed. After opening Contacts at the main menu, click "My Contacts" to locate all groups and rosters. This dropdown list is provided in the top left corner of the List and View pages. It lists all standard groups, custom groups you have added, and both Brokerage and Member Rosters.

Contact List Page

At List you can view a list of all contacts or those in a particular group or roster, select one or more contacts from the list to display and print them at View, search contacts using criteria, preview search criteria, save the search, and run a previously-saved search. Search results update dynamically at List as you add search criteria. See "Work With the Contacts List" .

Contact Detail View Page

At View, you can display the details for selected contacts and move through all with navigation arrows. You can access a particular contact from an alphabetical names directory. When View opens, the first-selected contact displays. (See "Work With the Contacts Detail View".) At View, use the arrows to navigate through the contacts in turn.

You can scroll through a contact's entire form or click tabs to jump directly to View, Financials (if available), Activities, Notes, as well as Prospects if any are stored for the contact. See "Work with Contact View". At the Prospect section, which displays if a prospect search exists for the contact, you can access or manage existing prospect searches and create new ones.

See Also . . .

Add and Edit Groups and Contacts

Work With the Contacts List

Work With the Contacts View

Search and Display Contacts

Work with Prospect Match

Print and Download Personal Contacts and Rosters


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Help for Stratus MLS v3.47.3 December 20, ,2016

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