You are here: Contacts > Print and Download Personal Contacts and Rosters

Print and Download Personal Contacts and Rosters

Print Contact records in List Row, Detail View, or Avery Label format. When printing Contacts in Detail View, Avery choices for printing labels are included in the list of Forms. You can select Avery 5160 (3 across) or Avery 5161 (2 across) for Contact Addresses.

Download personal Contact records for Outlook and Windows Live Mail, Avery Label format, or all available data. When downloading Contacts in List Row format, column set options allow selection of all available data, or data supported by Outlook and Windows Live Mail.


Members and Brokerages cannot be downloaded.

How . . .

To Print Contact Records

To Print Member or Brokerage Roster Records

To Print Contact Labels

To Download Personal Contact Records

To Download Personal Contact Labels


To Print Personal Contact Records

  1. Select one or more contacts at the contacts List or View page.
  2. Click Print.
  3. At the Print dialog box, to print rows, select List Rows; or to print each record's details, select Detail Views.
  4. At For, to print the displayed record (if any), select The Current Contact; to print all records in List, select All X Contacts; or to print currently selected records, select X Selected Contacts.
  5. At Column Set, applicable only to List Rows, select the desired column set format.
  6. At Form, applicable only to Detail Views, select the desired form.
  7. Click Print. Contact records may print immediately, or a browser dialog box may display. Note: To preview before printing, click Preview. Click Print when you're ready to print.

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To Print Member or Brokerage Roster Records

Print multiple roster records in List Row format, or the currently-displayed roster record in Detail View. Labels are not available for roster records.

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To Print Contact Labels

  1. Select one or more contacts at the contacts List or View page.
  2. Click Print.
  3. At the Print dialog box, select Detail Views.
  4. At For, to print labels for the displayed record (if any), select The Current Contact; to print labels for all records in List, select All X Contacts; or to print labels for currently selected records, select X Selected Contacts.
  5. At Form, select the Avery label you want.
  6. Click Print Preview; confirm that the labels appear as you want them.
  7. Click Print. Labels may print immediately, or a browser dialog box may display.

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To Download Personal Contact Records

  1. Select one or more personal contacts at the contacts List or View page.
  2. Click Download.
  3. At the Download dialog box - to download for Outlook, Windows Live Mail, or all data - select List Rows; or to download contact records, select Detail Views.
  4. At For, to download the displayed contact (if any), select The Current Contact; to download all contacts, select All X Contacts; or to download currently selected contacts, select X Selected Contacts.
  5. At Column Set, applicable only to List Rows, select the desired column set format: "Outlook or Windows Live Mail" or "All Downloadable Fields".
  6. At Include column names as first row, applicable only to List Rows, select the checkbox if you want to include headings. Note: You cannot clear this checkbox when downloading contacts for Outlook or Windows Live Mail, which require headings.
  7. At Form, applicable only to Detail Views, select the desired form.
  8. Click Download.

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To Download Personal Contact Labels

  1. Select one or more contacts at the contacts List or View page.
  2. Click Download.
  3. At the Download dialog box, select Detail Views.
  4. At For, to download a label for the displayed record (if any), select The Current Contact; to download labels for all contacts in List, select All X Contacts; or to download labels for currently selected contacts, select X Selected Contacts.
  5. At Form, select the desired Avery form.
  6. Click Download.

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See also . . .

About Contacts

Search for Contacts

Work With the Contacts View

Work With the Contacts List

Add and Edit Groups and Contacts


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