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Add and Edit Groups and Contacts

Associating your contacts with a particular group helps you organize them for quick retrieval. To further organize your contacts, add custom groups.

When adding or editing a contact, Stratus MLS displays the contact detail edit form. The detail edit form has sections that correspond to the tabs across the top of the form. To navigate the form, scroll or click a tab. You can edit your own contacts, but not those in the Brokerage or Member Rosters.

How . . .

To Add a Custom Group

To Rename or Delete a Custom Group

To Add a Contact

To Upload Contacts

To Edit a Contact

To Delete a Contact


To Add a Custom Group

  1. Click the Manage Groups action.
  2. At the Manage Groups dialog box, click Create New.
  3. At the Add Group dialog box, type a name then click Add.
  4. At the Manage Groups dialog box, click Close.

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To Rename or Delete a Custom Group

  1. Click the Manage Groups action.
  2. At the Manage Groups dialog box, select a group.
  3. To rename a group, click Rename. At the Rename Group dialog box, type a new name, then click Rename.
  4. To delete a group, click Delete. At the confirmation prompt, click Delete. Note: Contacts in the deleted group remain in the general "My Contacts" group and can be reassigned to another group.
  5. At the Manage Groups dialog box, click Close.

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To Add a Contact

  1. Click the Add Contact action.
  2. At Contact View, enter the contact's information. Required fields are starred with an asterisk (*).
  3. At Financials, optionally enter income, debt, and other financial information.
  4. At Notes, enter comments about communications, interactions, and contact requirements.
  5. Optionally click the Preview action to see the new contact in detail view. To close the Preview and return to a particular field, click that field at Preview; otherwise, click Close.
  6. To find a particular field, click Find on the action bar. At Field Name Contains, enter a portion of the field name, then click Find. Enter information at the field as needed.
  7. Click Save. The new contact appears in the Contact List.

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To Upload Contacts

You can upload contacts from Windows Live Mail, Windows Mail, Outlook Express, and Outlook. Note: No Financial data can be uploaded.

  1. Click Upload on the action bar.
  2. At the Upload Contacts dialog box, click Browse.
  3. At Choose file to upload dialog box, browse for the contacts file, select it, then click Open.
  4. At Add Contacts to Custom Group, type the name of a new custom group in order to create it, or select an existing group.
  5. Click Upload.
  6. At the Upload Log dialog box, review the list of successfully uploaded contacts, then click Close.

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To Edit a Contact

  1. Select a contact at List, or display the desired contact at View.
  2. Click the Edit action.
  3. Navigate through the edit form, OR:

    Click the Find action to open the Find a Field dialog box. At Field Name Contains, enter a portion of the field name, then click Find.

  4. Edit fields as needed.
  5. Click Save.

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To Delete a Contact

  1. Select a contact at List, or display the desired contact at View.
  2. Click the Delete action.
  3. At the confirmation prompt, click Delete.

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See also . . .

About Contacts

Search for Contacts

Work With the Contacts View

Work With the Contacts List

Print and Download Personal Contacts and Rosters


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Help for Stratus MLS v3.47.3 December 20, ,2016

Copyright 2016 Stratus Data Systems, Inc.